drink sum wtr develops singular voices across genres. With roots in R&B and hip-hop, the emerging record label looks beyond trends to invest in a new cultural legacy. Art-forward, development-driven, founded in 2022 as part of All Flowers Group.

The art-forward vision of drink sum wtr begins with its co-founder, Nigil Mack, formerly A&R at Motown Records and Republic Records. Mack has carved a unique lane in between the alternative and the commercial space, finding dynamic cross-genre talents — his early signings include Kid Cudi and has helped boost artists like DRAM to 10x platinum status — and now he lends his ear to the independent spectrum. An emphasis on unrestricted and unrushed artistry unites Mack with his partners in drink sum wtr, launched in 2022 as part of All Flowers Group, who include Chris Swanson, co-founder of Secretly Group (Bon Iver, Mitski, Japanese Breakfast, etc.) and Sam Valenti IV, founder of the vaunted indie label, Ghostly International (Ginger Root, Tycho, Mary Lattimore), and sharing the "same soil, water, and sun" approach that has fostered the successes of these companies.

Proof of concept came early when drink sum wtr capped its first full year with aja monet’s debut finding a Grammy nomination for Best Spoken Word Poetry Album. From monet’s surrealist blues poetry to the soulful folk of Annahstasia to the supple groove of JEMS! and Elujay, what connects drink sum wtr’s roster is their commitment to craft, freedom of expression, and willingness to open up their respective worlds.